

August 24, 2022

Audison Prima is the perfect choice for those seeking a balance between style, performance, and high-quality sound.

Audison Prima is a comprehensive speaker system for those who appreciate the authentic and dynamic sound.

We are talking about a high-end product with which you can enjoy music in the best way.

Audison Prima is a great speaker that we have used countless times over the years and in various applications. They are capable of producing jaw-dropping sound and are very easy to install.

Audison Prima can be used in two-way setups and three-way setups with subwoofers. The AP 1 tweeter contains a neodymium magnet, and its voice coil is made up of an aluminum mold, producing an overall package that sounds amazing. The AP 5 woofer has an aluminum cone and rubber surround, giving it a well-rounded sound that is crisp and clear. The APCX TW crossover features a two-position level selector that allows you to tailor its response to your two main applications: + 2dB if installed behind the OEM grille, 0dB for an A-pillar installation without additional grilles between the tweeter and the listener.

Audison Prima loudspeakers are designed to deliver an intense listening experience, whatever the source.

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